
Saturday, November 05, 2005

Ok, here's the plan


When it gets to be cooler weather this is SUCH a difficult habit to stick with for me….so here’s the plan:
Wake up – drink 12 oz.
Gym – drink 24 oz.
Thru out the day- drink 16 oz. or more
Dinner – drink remaining water
I’m stopping at dinner so I’m not up all night. I’ll try to remember to post my progress.


  • Haa haa that made me laugh. I took care of my Grandma when she would get sick when I was a teenager, and the doctors made her drink water. She would put it on a schedule, too. 8:00 a.m.--take morning walk. drink.

    By Blogger Sarah Joy, at Sun Nov 06, 11:09:00 PM PST  

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