
Friday, February 10, 2006

The Wagon

Well, I think it's time for me to get back on the wagon and start taking better care of myself again. I'd much rather eat lottsa chocolate and sit and read or watch TV instead of placing some boundaries on myself...but I'd also like to be able to chase around our children some day, and unfortunately with Lupus it's harder to do so if you don't take care of yourself. So (deep breath) tomorrow I'm going to take our dog out for a REALLY good walk (Caesar would be so proud), and not stress on all the things I could be doing instead. Then I'd like to start back up at the gym next week.

Now, as far as eating goes, we eat pretty healthfully (is that a word?)...but I am a snacker....especially when I'm stressed or board, so I'm going to limit myself to only healthy snacks and allow myself a piece of my favorite dark chocolate every night.


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